How We Started
The journey into Forex trading started 2009 with little or no knowledge of the market. i was so exited to place my first trade.
Like all beginner journey in any field of endeavour, it was rough and tough
I blew up several accounts with reckless abandon, zeal without knowledge. Forex trading will test your being , it is one of the most difficult skill to master because market is not mechanical and it keeps changing. You either adapt or die.
The school of hard knocks is where you will develop experience and gut feel. Trading is strictly a game of probability, certainty is a myth.
This website was borne out of unmatched passion and dedication of helping aspiring traders. Be prepare for the journey, and remember there are no guarantee. if you can master Price Action, you have a fighting chance of trading the market successfully.
Tradeforextraps focuses on Price Action Strategies.
Professional Foreign Exchange Trader.